Tuesday, June 29, 2010

No Place Like Home

One of the best things about being at home is the freedom you have to just relax, be yourself, and be accepted.

If you want to stay in your rattiest pajamas all day and be free from from any restrictive supportive undergarments, that's fine!

If you want to lay in the middle of your living room floor and stare at the ceiling while your child uses your abdomen as a trampoline, that's A-OK!

If you take a notion to turn up your favorite song to ear shattering decibels while you dance around the kitchen, more power to you!

AND....if you want to cover every square inch of wall space in your home with beautiful portraits of the joy of your life, GO FOR IT!

And on that note...I had 2 of Sydney's 1 year pictures framed, and they turned out fantastic. I took a picture of the obnoxiously large one. It's tricky to take a picture of a picture...unless you're my husband, and then it's a piece of cake. I don't have his skills. Whatcha think?

I could just stare at this cherubic face all day. I lub my bebe girl.

Jon Royce with Reflections Custom Framing & Engraving in Beaumont created this gorgeous frame...and what is so wonderful is that all I told him was..."I want it big and beautiful...just perform your magic."
And this is what I got! Amazing!
Check out Jon's website to take a gander at the thousands of frames and mattes you can select.

Now, I think I'll go lay on the couch, eat a bag of frozen grapes, and stare at my stinkerbell's picture on the wall above my couch where EVERYONE can see it. Ahh..

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