Thursday, June 3, 2010

Tennessee Road Trip Day 3

The WELCOME Banner

An enjoyable 10 minute ride


Yeah, I know Day 2 is missing but I'll have to post about it later when I have a chance to download my pics, cause you HAVE to see the fantastic pictures my husband got at the aquarium. How DOES he do it?

Today we rode a train and a bike, so I guess I only need to ride a bus and a car and I will cover all major modes of transportation. The above pics are of the train at the Tennessee Train Station. Very cool, very historical, and very interesting to history buffs. Unfortunately, I'm not a history buff, but I am a very good sport and my dear hubby was enjoying it immensely.

Speaking of the dear hubby...

My brave and heroic husband helped pull a lady out of a ditch today when she took a curve too sharply and wrecked her bike and herself. It was like watching an episode of "Rescue 911." He jumped off the bike, grabbed his first-aid kit and RAN down the road to assist. He examined her, bandaged her up, and they took her off to the hospital. I don't do blood, but he took charge and everyone was in amazement. He is my hero! What a guy.

For some unknown reason I am having difficulty uploading the rest of my pictures, so you'll just have to check back later for my vacation photo gallery.

It's hard to believe it has been 4 days since I've seen my baby girl.

I am homesick for her, but so glad we got away, just the 2 of us.

If you are a parent and you have never been away from your child for atleast 2 consecutive nights....

you REALLY need to do so. You will have fun and your child will be fine. Just do it.

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