Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Nine - Nueve - Neuf

Nine years ago today I walked down the aisle and pledged my love to my dear hubby. NINE YEARS ago.

We have had our ups and downs. We have experienced great triumphs and devastating defeat. We have cried on each others' shoulders and have laughed so hard, we nearly passed out.

We have survived 2 car wrecks.

We have white-water rafted down the Wenatchee River.

We have ridden thousands of miles on a motorcycle.

We have flown down Pike's Peak on a mountain bike.

We have swum with stingrays and sharks.

I have put Chris through school and he has in return put me through school.

We have visited just about every waterfall in Oregon.

He has stood up and cheered while I sang karaoke very badly.

We have had really bad fights.

We have had really fantastic dates.

He never left my side for a second when I was in labor. The sweetest sound I've ever heard is Chris praying in a whispered tone as each contraction came on fast and furious. I will never forget his voice during that time.

Life at full speed sums up the last 9 years. And just as I was blogging away, there was a knock at the door, and this arrived. Quite a shocker for me...This is not my husband's normal behavior...which made it even more special.
Quite possibly my favorite wedding photo. Chris is cracking a joke about "lighting a fire" and I am trying not to bust out laughing like a hyena. He's even got the groomsmen chuckling.
Typical Chris. Gotta love 'em.

I know I do.

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