Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Come Ride With Me

November 2007 - Queen Wilhelmina Lodge

In November 2007 B.B. (Before Baby) Chris and I took a trip to the Ozark Mountains on the bike. It was a COLD ride up there and we stayed at the Queen Wilhelmina Lodge which is a little piece of heaven.
For some reason today, I woke up thinking about that trip. No plans, no schedules, no pressing deadlines, just riding. If you've never ridden a motorcycle before, I suggest you do it at least once in your life. It is an exhilarating experience. I don't know if it is the open air, the speed, the scenery, but there is something about a bike that makes you feel free. One of my favorite things to do is close my eyes and let my feet dangle off the plates. It feels like you are flying.
I wasn't a big motorcycle fan before I met Chris. But, when you fall in love with someone, you participate in the hobbies they love, and SOMETIMES, you start to like it, too. Notice I said the word like, not LOVE.
There is a difference. Here is a video I took from the back of the bike. Take a ride with me and imagine the wind in your hair. Oh, and the reason I haven't blogged in a week is due to an extremely mobile child...If she's not sleeping she's running.

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