Sunday, February 21, 2010

Picture Perfect Party

Wow. I am so blessed. Sydney's first birthday party was on Saturday and it was better than I ever expected it to be.

I was pretty concerned about the weather since I have a track record for planning big events during the worst possible weather imaginable.

Tropical Storm Allison hit the day of my wedding. Every motorcycle benefit ride I've ever participated in has either had pouring rain or freezing cold. I could go on...

But, I prayed for a perfect day, and the Lord delivered...

We had blue skies, cool breezes, and a high of 69. Unreal! We ate in the garage and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine and fantastic company.

A few folks regrettably could not come, but sent their love and best wishes. We still had 27 people at the party which was a BUNCH for my little house! 

Sydney took 2 naps before the party (can we say MIRACLE?) with the help of Mawmaw and was in a cheerful mood.

Thank God for girlfriends!

It was worth all of the planning, money, and time. It was worth the headache of getting everything ordered and put together. It was worth it all to see my precious friends and family showering their love on my little girl just by being there!

After it was all over with, we put a very tired and happy little girl to bed and Chris and I sat on the couch and watched the DVD I made of her first year of life. I've seen it a hundred times since I edited it myself, but you won't be surprised that once again, tears dripped down my face as I remembered the most amazing year of my life.
Sydney and Aunt Trish

Sydney, we love you more than can be imagined. We can't wait to see what happens next!

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