Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wifus Domesticus

When an Arctic Blast hits East Texas, it is quite the newsworthy topic. We Texicans are not cold weather beasts and it is a mentally debilitating event when you step outside and your breath is taken away! My brother lives near Chicago and he would love to be in Texas to experience our "cold snaps" in comparison to his life in the deep freezer. So, it is very cold today and Sydney and I have not stepped foot outside the house.

It has been quite an adjustment for me to be a stay-at-home mom. Yes, I do work 2 days a week, but the other 5 are at the house! Since we were going to be homebound today, I decided to get all that "stuff" done that I usually save for the weekend: cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc... I even got extraordinarily brave and tackled making chocolate chip oatmeal peanut butter cookies from SCRATCH!

Chris has an amazing recipe and he bought all the ingredients a while back with the plans of making them for people for Christmas. Well, THAT never got done. The ingredients are stacked in the top of the pantry and every time I open the door, stuff falls on my head, so I thought, "Those cookies really need to be baked." Like my rationalizing?

I have a Pampered Chef baking stone that I received as a wedding gift 8 years ago and I have been using it for pizzas and biscuits, but have never tried it with cookies. Well, I should have been baking cookies on it a LONG time ago. They were bakery perfect!

My little one LOVES to watch her "educational" baby videos and has learned how to turn on the TV and DVD/VHS player. I had to put cardstock over the "ON" switch on the TV and she is trying to figure this deterrent out as well.

I turned off her video (she'd reached her TV quota for the day) and she was NOT happy!

But... a warm cookie from the oven healed her hurt feelings immediately.

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