Friday, January 22, 2010

True Vintage

Vintage clothing is all the rage these days. Classic designs such as smocked dresses and frilly collars and sleeves are everywhere! Fashion is crazy sometimes. When I was in junior high, we wore some wacko stuff, like penny loafers and grungy t-shirts with advertisements on them. I thought, now that stuff will never come back! Well, lo and behold, I saw a kid at the store wearing penny loafers and a Lucky Charms t-shirt with a bunch of other teenagers wearing the same sytles. If a clothing item looks like it is a throw back from another era, well, honey it is in style now!

Baby clothes hardly ever go out of style, 'cause no matter what you put on a cute baby, that baby is still cute. Notice I emphasize "CUTE" baby. Not all babies are cute, I hate to tell ya. There's times when someone shows you a baby picture and all you can say is, "How precious!" 'cause if you said, "How cute!" you would be lying smack through your teeth. ANYWAY....

My mom saved a couple of my old dresses and Sydney is big enough to wear them now, so yippee! My grandmother made a Noah's ark jumper with tiny appliqued animals that I wore when I was a little 'un and I put it on Sydney last Sunday. I paired it with white tights and "classic" baby shoes, so in actuality, she looks like a midget nurse. But, one of the CUTEST midget nurses I have ever laid my grubbies on.

It's amazing to me that she is wearing something that I actually wore. I am not really the sentimental type that keeps EVERYTHING. I have all of my school days momentos saved in 1 small plastic tub. That's it. To me, stuff is just stuff, and it's all gonna burn anyway! (That's a whole 'nother post) I guess that's why I don't understand folks that never hand anything down to others, 'cause to me, it's being a little bit selfish. I have given so many of her clothes away, it's ridiculous. Lots of folks say, "Well, what if you have another baby?" Well, hopefully, I will have another baby and I do have a few things saved and that baby will have to wear some hand-me-downs, but by that time, I know more hand-me-downs will be coming my way! "Give, and it shall come back to you..."

And while I'm on the baby clothing topic, I have a real hard time with folks that have EVERYTHING MONOGRAMMED. Give me a cotton pickin' break! SOME monogramming is cute, but when everything in the drawer has the child's name emblazoned across it, "weird" comes to mind. Don't get me wrong, I would love to have more of her things monogrammed with her name, but # 1. I have MUCH more important things to spend my hard-earned money on, and #2. Who else is going to get any use out of that outfit? Things to consider...

So, I will keep a few things of Sydney's that are extra special, and definitely the truly vintage jumper she is wearing above. It's not what you wear, but HOW you wear it. And remember...some folks would look good in a burlap sack.

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