Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Free At Last

I've got so much to blog about, I don't know where to start.

But first, let's take a moment and thank the Lord that school is out for another year.

I survived. I have been victorious!

I could start by telling you about 8th grade graduation and how I cried like a baby and danced like a fool.

I could also tell you about how I almost lost my cool and spoke with wild abandon towards an individual that has just pushed me WAY to far.

I could tell you about the surprise going away party that my kids threw for me complete with kid-made, tear-jerking DVD and party goodies.

I could tell you how my kid has cried every morning for the last 2 weeks cause she is sick and tired of going to "school."

I could tell you about the field trip we took to Houston. 12 teenagers, 5 hours of drive time, 1 very large van...wowza.

I could tell you that the last 3 days have been the hottest that I can ever remember....and since my hypothyroidism is running amok and unchecked....the temperature regulation center in my body makes it feel like it is 109 outside when it is only 103.

As I contemplate which stories to share first, I will leave you with these pics.

Syd and I enjoying the "Big Kahuna"

Me crying like a baby with one of my students' comforting me

Black widow spider at the musem...*shiver*

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