If everyone would just DO what they're supposed to DO....meetings would not even exist. Now, I'm not talking about brainstorming sessions or teacher workshops. When you gather to collaborate, that can...at times...be productive. Unless you have one of THOSE people in the group... I'm not talking about team building activities...although I've never gotten much out of letting complete strangers catch me when I fall...
Again, just following directions like adults should do would make meetings non existent. You could just send out an email saying, "Be sure to....on this day we will...please be here at this time....etc." As responsible, adult-like individuals, you would comply with the requests of your authority figure. Badda bing, badda boom...done.
Meetings are really for those people who do NOT follow the rules. So, why not just pull in those people that are chronic rule breakers, and:
a. tell them to shape up
b. fire them
c. fire them
d. fire them
Have you ever been in a meeting where there was this one person who could not SHUT their mouth? You are watching the clock....in anticipation of hopefully concluding...and then THEY say something else. And you are thinking about all the different ways you could discretely hurl a projectile towards them.
And what they have to say is pointless. Absolutely ridiculous...and is usually a point or question that was addressed several minutes ago. And you wonder: "How did they get this job? Are they really that challenged? Are you kidding me? What? My child will never be under their tutelage, even if I have to move heaven and earth, because if they cannot grasp the simple concept of a directive, they will surely not be in charge of educating and expanding the mind of my biological offspring."
I think maybe I'm just tired and ready for a break.
I read a blog of a friend of mine last night and what she said was spot on. Teachers need a 2 1/2 month vacation in the middle of the year since that is the amount of time it takes for them to completely recharge after giving their blood, sweat, tears, time, and every speck of energy to a group of children. So, if you are one of those who think teachers are lucky 'cause they get such a long vacation, think again. Trade places with us for a few days and you'll be begging for your job back. Teaching is an unbelievably rewarding profession but it also one of the most physically and mentally draining professions in existence. The lives of these kids are literally in your hands. Their parents are depending on you, your principal is depending on you, and all of the future lives they will touch are depending on you. They are depending on YOU to help them, not hurt them, wow them, not warp them, expand their minds, not crush their spirits, and prepare them, not ignore them. It is a huge task and one I do not take lightly.
I love my job. But, I am exhausted and will spend the next few weeks recharging, refueling, and reinforcing my brain so I can do this again....come August...and attend more meetings in which I need a gag over my mouth so I don't say something I shouldn't.

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