Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Perro de Agua

No, your eyes are not deceiving you.

Yes, that is a Jack Russell terrier standing in a bubbling "water feature."

No, I don't know how she got up there, nor do I understand the purpose for her to be in the the lovely lady's cement bowl of refreshing waters...

Yes, she is standing with pride as she surveys her domain, otherwise known as my parents' front yard.

No, I don't know what in the world she is looking at, but apparently she needed a bit more height to be able to view this lofty object.

Yes, this dog LOVES water and will claw her way into the bathroom if she hears you drawing a bath.

No, I can't imagine why my parents drove to Louisiana to purchase this "particular" dog after the death of their beloved fox terrier Trixie...Doggy withdrawals must have driven them to it.

Yes, my dad has ALWAYS wanted a dog like the one on Frasier, you know the trained animal who appears to be well-behaved, well-balanced, and genuinely comical.
No, Rags is not well-behaved or well-balanced, but is definitely comical...and psychotic, neurotic, and any other words that end in "otic."

Yes, my parents love this dog dearly even though she has destroyed numerous valuable objects in their home and yard...including 4 binkies, 2 sippy cups, and 2 rubber plastic labels that I paid $14.00 for online.

No, I don't know how many pairs of VERY expensive glasses Rags will eat before they decide enough is enough, oh, and by the way, we are up to 3 pairs of VERY expensive glasses that have had to be replaced.

Yes, Ragsamuffin is a part of the Bishop clan, is in love with Sydney, and is here to stay...Lord help us all.

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