Wednesday, May 19, 2010

15 Months

Happy 15 Month Birthday, Sydney Lou Lou
Whatever are you doing these days?
A better question is...what are you NOT doing?
You continue to chew on EVERYTHING.
I'm wondering if you aren't milking this whole "oral fixation" thing a little too long.
Maybe it's cause you still only have 4 teeth and you feel the need to massage those aching gums.
Here you are chewing on one of MawMaw's scraps from her beloved scrap basket.

 You love books. You love books. You LOVE books.
You prefer page turning over any other activity.
You like to look at books while we're going down the road, and I don't really know how you do that without getting nauseated, because I definitely can NOT read and ride, but apparently you can. What talent.
 You are climbing into everything.
The dishwasher is one of your favorite haunts.
Here again, you are gnawing on a spoon. It's probably a dirty spoon that I neglected to take out of the dishwasher while unloading it. Here's hoping you have a bang-up immune system.
Here we are first thing in the morning before heading off to work. You are so engrossed in watching Baby Einstein that you can't even take a picture with your dear old mama.

The latest thing you do that is so cute I could just die is shake your head "no" back and forth furiously.

You can say: Da-da, da-dee, dee-dee, dee-da, hey daddy, hi da-dee, da-da-dee-dee, da-dee-da, bye daddy, by da-da, by dee-da, and bye bye daddy

You call me: Nanna

WHAT? I get the grandma name and you say every variation of Daddy that is humanly pronounceable?

Yes, indeed.

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