Friday, April 30, 2010

National Infertility Awareness Week

If you are struggling with infertility, I feel your pain in the most sincere way. I've been there. I've walked that lonely path of despair. I've felt useless and blemished, deformed and desolate, hopeless and heartbroken.

If you are wondering if God has forgotten your heart-felt, screaming, crying, groaning, prayers for a child, he hasn't...I can assure you.

Let me recommend the BEST faith-based book on the subject of infertility.

Hannah's Hope

You are not going to believe this, but I bought this book and read it all in one night.

And then the next day, I found out I was pregnant.

I'm glad there is a week of recognition for those who struggle with infertility and I love the fact that it occurs a few weeks before Mother's Day. This is a parent centered holiday which is excruciatingly painful for those who struggle to conceive.

Please take the time to read my post, "Miraculous" if you have not done so already. I guarantee that you will never be the same after learning about my journey with infertility and how my all-powerful and all-sufficient God made me a mother in His own timing and in His own plan.

Don't give up, my friend. DON'T GIVE UP!

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