Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Serving Vs. Pleasing

It's 5:20 a.m. I can't sleep. I can't turn off my mind. I have a heavy spot in my gut. My subconscious has been working on quandaries since I laid my head on the pillow.

I feel the need to expound on yesterday's post as to clear up any misunderstandings in my rationale. Being misunderstood is a phobia of mine.

There is a difference between serving others and pleasing others. A quantum leap of a difference. It boils down to motive. It is critical to always ask yourself, "Why am I REALLY doing this?"

When you do something to "please" someone, you are secretly hoping to:

1. get something in return someday
2. keep off that person's "bad list"
3. appease them so they stay in a "good mood"
4. looking to get accolades
5. keep your co-workers happy
6. keep your spouse happy
7. keep your "status" with that person
8. hang this "favor" over their head
9. look "good" in front of others

When I do something to "please" someone, it is secretly for my benefit. Think about it. Yes, that person gets what they want or makes them happy, but the focus returns on the person doing the pleasing.

Serving is different. I want a servant's heart. I mentioned yesterday that I was tired of neglecting my own needs to please others. Yes, I am sick and tired of that. But never, for one millisecond am I tired of inconveniencing myself in order to SERVE others.

A servant’s heart revolves around your relationship with God. It has nothing to do with your desire to be recognized for your good deeds.  One of the most breathtaking expressions of love that I know is having the heart of a servant. It is demonstrating your love to another human being by simply being who God intended you to be and walking in His will. The motto of my dad's church was, "Find a need and fill it. Find a hurt and heal it, in Jesus' name." This concisely states that serving is about seeing a need and fulfilling it without any strings attached. Sometimes making someone else comfortable can be a little uncomfortable. It’s about showing Christ’s love through your actions and words. And finally, it’s about touching the lives of those around you with such a gentle kindness that your act will be remembered and mimicked for years to come. This is the polar opposite of simply "pleasing" others.

I want to have a servant's heart for others, not a people pleasing heart. And that takes a whole bunch of spiritual maturity.

Decide today to serve someone.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I wish you the very best in whatever it is that you are going to do. I will miss you!