Monday, March 8, 2010

Out of Soap

Wish I had something funny or interesting to share today. But, I don't. Wish I could tell you what a fantabulous day I had and how everything went great. But, it didn't. There are some days where you are physically and mentally out of SOAP.

And you know what, it's okay to have those days sometimes so I don't beat myself up over it.

We are emotional and hormonal beings (especially us womenfolk).

The weather has been gray and yucko, my child has not felt well, and I have been running a temp for most of the day, but the show had to go on. I went to work anyway, even though I really wanted to just stay home in the bed and curl up in a little ball. I put on my big girl, uh, you know, and dealt with it because that's just what you do!

I have finally realized that the world is not going to do you any favors and nobody OWES you anything and sometimes people open their big fat mouth and say hurtful things, but I've chosen not to let that get me down. So, I'm not feeling sorry for myself; I'm just a little less bubbly than usual.

But, I'm not going to sit here and dwell on it.

Have you noticed that some folks are ALWAYS gloomy, ALWAYS depressed, ALWAYS negative, and ALWAYS just down? They are always talking about their "dark cloud" or their "extreme sadness" and so on? I wonder, "Is that just to get attention? or Do they need some serious counseling?" Or...are they just selfish? If you think about it, depression is a pretty selfish thing 'cause everything is centered around you, you, you.


I know people who have gone through A LOT of tragedy and heartache in their lives and what amazes me is that you would never know it. They have a smile on their face, a song in their heart, and a kind word for everyone.

Now that, my friend, is the truest expression of the scripture, "The joy of the Lord is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10

True joy doesn't just get up and leave when those unbubbly days hit. True joy is deep within your soul and is fueled by a genuine and heartfelt relationship with Christ.

So, even though I'm latherless today and there isn't much fizzle in my attitude...

I still have

which makes me want to


Leslie said...

Love this post! You are so right. I hope you are feeling better today!

Deborah said...

Best post I've ever read - I'm shouting AMEN from my corner of the world!