Tuesday, November 17, 2009

To Sleep...perchance to dream...

Forgive me as I take Hamlet's soliloquy way out of context...but sleeping and dreaming sounds REALLY good to me right now. This is Day 4 of up and down nights. Sydney is fighting a cold and our evenings have been eventful to say the least. My mom has told me from the beginning, "when she sleeps, you sleep 'cause it doesn't matter how much stuff you think you have to do!" Today, I am following her rule to the letter...only Sydney is not sleeping because she is so congested and spends her nights hacking away.

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining in the least. Just merely reporting the facts. As a matter of fact, I feel quite blessed. Sydney will be 9 months this Friday and this is the FIRST sniffle or hint of illness that she has experienced. My heart goes out to all of my dear friends with babies who have been back and forth to the doctor numerous times.

What intrigues me is that even though she feels so bad, she still wants to play. She will cry, look at me with those pitiful eyes, sniff, and then grab a toy. Talk about determination. She's saying, "I don't care how bad I feel. I love to play and I'm going to play. That's what I'm designed to do right now, so get outta my way." Yep, I know she's supposed to rest, but tell that to her.

So, in my sleep deprived state, with a coffee mug in one hand and a snot-slinging baby in the other, I am not concerned with housework, officework, or a grocery list. I am marveling at how this little stinker is throwing blocks around the nursery and chewing on that abused plastic butterfly. Cold? She doesn't have time for that. Get outta her way.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Poor Sydney, poor Mommy! Oh, we've all been there! Praying for some much-needed rest for the Chambers house!