Tuesday, November 24, 2009

9 Months

Sydney practicing her redneck baby look.

When I was preggo with Sydney, 9 months seemed like an eternity, and I only made it to 7 months and 3 weeks with her. It mind-boggling to me that she has been with us for a whole 9 months!

What are you up to, Sydney?

You weigh approximately 18 pounds and wear Size 3 diapers.

You are 28.5 inches long.

You have taken your first steps without any assistance. (Last Thursday to be exact.)

You have just revealed your 2 lovely chompers.

You eat anything and everything, but your favorites are:
- maple & brown sugar oatmeal from my bowl
- banana flavored yogurt...heck banana flavored anything
- sweet potato Puffs
- green peas

- you stand up and crouch down without assistance (have been doing this for a few weeks)

- you absolutely REFUSE to drink from a sippy cup and barely tolerate drinking from a cup

- you click your tongue at your Daddy when he greets you

- there is no crevice in the house you have not explored

- you LOVE people and rarely meet a stranger

- you still LOVE dogs, cats, animals, any living thing that moves on the ground

- you still despise any type of head gear: hats, headbands, etc. and will rip them off the moment I pu them on your head, but Mama is determined...

- you have eaten air freshener gel

- you understand, "no, no" but just smile at me when I say it and continue your destructive path

- you're a good traveler for the most part

- you have decided that sleeping all night is not cool anymore

- you make your dad and me deliriously happy everyday

Simmy: "Umm...excuse me. You are living in MY house."

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