Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I Can't Wait 'Til...

It seems as though lately everyone around me is in the "I Can't Wait Till..." frame of mind. I have found myself saying this phrase over and over again.

I can't wait 'til Sydney quits chewing on everything.
I can't wait 'til God directs us to the church he wants us to call home.
I can't wait 'til the weekend.
I can't wait 'til the hole in my heart is healed.
I can't wait 'til my husband gets a decent workload so he can be home more.
I can't wait 'til Sydney can say,"Mama and Daddy."

It's like we're always looking forward to tomorrow. We have this "I'll be happy when..." attitude. I always thought, "I'll be happy when I get married, get a good job, have kids, etc.."

Time is cruel. It is fast and furious at times when you want it to slow down, and then it drags on like an eternity when you wish it would just hurry up and get over with. If we're not careful, we will be in a constant state of wishing time away when each second, each minute, each hour is an opportunity to relish the beauty of the life God has given us. Be happy now, enjoy life now, be thankful for every day that you wake up and take a deep breath. This morning, during my devotional time, I thanked God for letting me exist. "A grateful heart, He will not despise."
So, I have rewritten my "I can't wait" statements from a fresh viewpoint.

Watching Sydney chew on everything is hilarious. One of these days, she won't put it in her mouth unless she likes it.

It is refreshing to attend several different churches and watch God move differently in each one.

Spending weekdays home with Sydney is the joy of my life. Monday - Friday are the days when I really get the important stuff accomplished!

I am thankful that I have a heart that can feel love, loss, loneliness, hurt, and joy. If I didn't feel the sadness, I wouldn't fully appreciate the joy.

Chris works long hours so I can stay home with Sydney. He may not send flowers and chocolates that often, but he shows he cares by providing for our family. Being home with Sydney is more important than any amount of money I can make at work.

Sydney may not be able to speak yet, but she melts our hearts with her goofy smiles and hugs. She doesn't have to know how to talk to let us know she feels loved.

Don't wait, thank God today for...TODAY.

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