Sunday, December 18, 2011

Stationery card

Year in Pictures New Year's Card
Turn family photos into holiday cards at
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

A List

1. Pilgrim costumes are pretty cotton pickin' awesome.

2. A Santa hat makes turns anyone into an elf...instantly.

3. Fritos ARE the dinner choice of toddlers.

4. If Fritos are not available, fried chicken is the next best thing.

5. The most intelligent physicist, engineer, or philosopher will never be able to comprehend the unfathomable power of a new playground.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Nerdy, Ungirly, and Disturbing


My child is a addict. Yes, it's true...and (putting on Reading Teacher hat) I highly recommend it to anyone with a toddler-age child.

She'd rather practice her letters more than anything...well maybe not more than watch Toy Story.

But, a letter-clickin', readin' girl she is. She's a nerd...already.

And I am perfectly fine with that...maybe it's because I've worked with SO many kids who have reading difficulties that I am absolutely DETERMINED that my KID is going to get EVERY possible exposure to literacy now that I can offer her. I don't want her to face the reading battle.


She's also not a very girly girl.

Her new favorite games are: throw the ball, toss the ball, hurl the ball, bounce the ball, kick the ball, and bounce the ball.

She loves big trucks, motorcycles, tractors, dirt, and rocks. The girl will stop in the middle of the sidewalk to pick up a rock. She hates stockings, hair bows, and barrettes.

She loves money and counts it out to make sure I have not borrowed any.


She does not like dolls, or frills, tea parties, dresses, baby bottles, and especially those Barbies...which is evident in the fact that she always puts the Barbie in this upside down couch which is eerily similar to...

a coffin.

I told you it was disturbing.

Friday, November 11, 2011

How to Ride a Tropical Bird

Just in case you ever wanted to know....

This is how it is done.

Notice the shoes must come off...

The hair must fling violently...

And the dismount must be done with grace and style...

Monday, October 31, 2011

Why I Am Smiling These Days?

'Cause this girl has taught me how.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Let's Get Peppy!

Apparently  my child doesn't get the whole "pep rally" notion.

Note the look of concern on her face in EVERY picture.

I don't know about you, but if  6 foot bulldog with big teeth and a permanent grin walked up to me,

I'd be a little concerned myself.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I am not accustomed to this word. Through out my life, I would set a goal, make a plan, work towards the goal, accomplish the goal, win the prize, get the sticker, make the A, get the award, and succeed. I did not win everything and I was not the best at everything, buh-lieve me...but I worked very hard and it paid off 99% of the time.

Failure was not an option. I hate the word.

I am experiencing failure right now and it is not pleasant. It is stressing me out. I feel pretty bad about it...and I guess all first time moms go through this failure phase. I know the Lord is teaching me something, so I will sit in Failureville and pray that it passes.

I feel like I am a failure as a mother right now.

My kid has lost it. She is bullying. She is screaming her head off. She outright refuses to use the toilet. She throws things. She is acting like she is outside of her mind.

And then there are days when she is the absolute sweetest, most loving, polite, and precious little person you have ever met.

In response, I have disciplined, prayed, disciplined, prayed, bribed, cajoled, persuaded, disciplined, prayed, CRIED, and then prayed.

I have read books. I have read scripture. I have watched documentaries. I have talked to my friends. I have done EVERY tip offered to me. I do not know what else to do.

I  know she is strong-willed. I know she has an amazing destiny and will serve God.

But, I keep thinking, "What am I doing wrong?"

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sister Jealousy

It's days like today that make me wish I had a sister.

Somebody to call and talk to that really a sister kind of way.

I don't have a sister. Just a brother. And I LOVE my brother. I really do. He is a generous, kind, and quiet person. He is pretty darn cool.

But, he is not a sister.

I have many friends who all have sisters. And yes, they gripe about their sisters sometimes, but I can tell from the way they talk that they really LOVE their sisters and are thankful for them.

So, if you have a sister, thank God for her. If you have a brother, thank God for him, too.

I can't imagine being an only child. What a heavy burden to have to bear all by yourself. I're IT! If something happens, there's nobody sibling wise to call.

So, today, I am giving thanks for my sister wannabe's. Those gals who are like sisters to me. Who aren't afraid to tell me like it is, but will do absolutely anything for me.

And if that applies to you, thanks for being my pseudo sister..

And, why not end this sisterly post with a random pic of my girl in a big pink chair giving me her best "i'm up to something" look.

I hope she gets to be a big sister someday.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Personal Questions...Answered!

Here lately, I have been asked a slew of personal questions.

Now, please tell me why people feel impelled to ASK someone personal questions.

Why? Isn't there enough personalness in your own life?

Did yo mama not raise you right? Didn't you learn not to delve into people's personal lives?

With the exception of a FEW.VERY.CLOSE. friends, I am pretty much shocked at the questions some folks ask me. So, to clear up the are the answers:

1. Aren't you ever gonna have another baby?
I didn't plan to have Sydney. She was a miraculous surprise straight from God. I am not one of these fertile Myrtle people walking around who actually "plan" their next child or have and "oopsie" child. I can't just wash my clothes with my husband's clothes and wind up pregnant. Not the way it works with me. If I have another child, it will be yet another miraculous surprise and if I don't, I am perfectly content.

2. Don't you think you need to get your hair re-highlighted?
Yes, it desperately needs to be re-highlighted but spending a couple hundred bucks at the hair salon for all I need to have done is just not a top priority at this point.

3. How much do you pay each month for your house? Don't you think it is about time for you to buy a house and settle down?
I am blessed with a 3 BDR, 2 BA rent house. Yes, we would love to buy a home of our own but not for sure where, when, and how that will happen. I am not like some folks who chunk down a huge amount of change for a house they can't afford just so they can "own" their own home. We are very careful with our money and when the right house comes along, we are going to have it paid off in no time. The door will open and we will buy a home and it will be the perfect home for us.

4. When are you due?
Refer to question #1. And...that deflated balloon pooch you the remnants of a baby belly from my only child and it is a small trade for having Syd in our lives. And yes, a little diet and exercise wouldn't hurt me either.

5. How much do you make at that charter school?
I ain't in it for da money. And, yes I make a little less than what I made at the public school, but I am working part time. And I have so much LESS headache and so much MORE joy in what I am doing that it doesn't really matter..and besides...I work because I must have an outlet for all the ideas that run non stop in my head. I love my kids and I love my job at the charter school.

Well, that sums it up...because nosy enquiring minds want to KNOW!

Monday, September 19, 2011

I Am Not Skilled To Understand...

..and my Pastor added...

"It wouldn't matter even if you were. God's ways are above our ways."

Yes, sir. You are absolutely right.

Lately, I've had to reconfigure my thinking. I have looked at situations in different perspectives and taken a step back from the way I've always perceived certain: people, places, and things.

We get in a rut. We love our rut. We are comfortable in our rut.

But, a rut is just a grave with both ends kicked out.

Help me, Oh  Lord, to see past my rut and see what YOU want me to accomplish.

You are ALWAYS there for me. That's where my strength comes from.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

In the Swing of Things

Has it really been nearly 2 weeks since I have blogged?

Holy Guacamole!

A recap..

School has begun. I love my class. I have 11 8th graders who are dreamy to teach...laugh at my jokes, and compliment me excessively. They are learning huge words like prosaic, indomitable, and acquiesce.

Syd has begun her Mon, Wed, Friday Preschool, comes home singing "Happy Birthday to Me" and "Jesus Loves Me" everyday, so things must be going swell there. She is loving her Tues/Thurs gig at my friend's Lea Ann's house where she plays ALL DAY LONG and eats her weight in "pop pops" (posicles).

Chris is taking a Biology class in the hopes of gaining enough Science hours to begin yet another either one of us need ANOTHER piece of paper on the wall, but I support anybody's efforts to get smarter or get another piece of paper because I am a lifelong student myself. I would go to school everyday for the rest of my life, Amen. I live for school.

Yes, I am a nerd.

I am doing much better about loading and unloading the dishwasher and keeping the kitchen floor clean. Not sure where that came from or why I even said that, but there.

Our area in East Texas finally got a long, refreshing rain courtesy of a tropical storm, so we are all in a little bit better mood.

..........and..........the following pics have no relevance whatsoever to my post but my kid looks like an angel when she sleeps, so, I had to share....

Have a great week, keep the shiny side up, and tell God how much you love Him...'cause no matter what, He's still good and He's still God.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bowling Beauty

Sydney bowled 2 games today.

She made:
3 strikes
4 spares
3 gutter balls
But no matter how good or bad she did..

She clapped for herself every single time.
And she won a prize for the being the youngest bowler in the alley.

..and the cutest...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

God Knows

He really does know what I need.

This week, he made sure James Dobson replayed his series on the "Strong Willed Child" on his Family Talk program for me to hear.

I REALLY needed to hear those broadcasts. It made me feel better. Especially the part about the mama that dealt with her 2 year old getting up in the middle of the night, leaving the room, and going to the kitchen to play with the knives.

My kid is not all that tough, compared to that jewel.

This week, I also heard the words of Joyce Meyer as she reminded me:

1. God's people should wash each others' feet.
2. God's people are so intent on "being spiritual" that they can't see a need right in front of their face.
3. God's people are supposed to meet needs....not pray that God meet them.

I got the point, Lord. Thanks for the reminders.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Yo Yo, I Be Chillin...a Rap

In honor of my mama's 300th blog post, Sydmeister is here to rock da house and give ya the 411 on whassup!

That's right! S to the Y to the D...SYDNEY

I be chilling wit my madre all summah long,

We be dancin', and drawin', and singin cool songs!

I done been to da waterpark and jumped on trampolines,

Eatin' lots of popsicles, and chocolate chip dreams,

Pesterin' the house cat, every chance I get

Breakin' mama's stuff till she almost has a fit!

I been hangin' at da crib and cruisin in my benz

But I feel da need to go to school and hang wit my frenz...

I gots lots of learnin', and playin', and colorin' to do

And visitin' with Elmo and my boy Winnie da Pooh

So, mama, gotta tell ya...and please don't pout,

I need summah to be over, girl, 

Peace out!

"Early Risin' Dream Shakin Rappin' Extraordinaire"

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Think Fall

As we endure one of the hottest and most humid summers on record, take a moment to visualize pleasant days ahead. Close your eyes and think about of my favorite times of year.

...a brisk wind blowing..chilly but not so chilly you need a fur-lined parka...
...the ever so slight smell of wood-burning fireplaces curling in your nose...
...the sound of leaves crunching underfoot and blowing in the breeze...
...warm bowls of stew, soup, and chowder waiting on you at dinner time...

Well, while we are the subject of chowder, I must share with you my all-time favorite and super easy chowder recipe. I am making it today. Yes, I realize it is 102 degrees outside with a heat index of 129 degrees and 99% humidity. That is all well and good, but this chowder is soooo good that you'll want to crank the AC down to 59, put on a sweater, and bundle up on the couch with a warm bowl between your knees, baby. And if you just can't wrap your mind around a toasty vessel of chowder right now, print the recipe out for cooler days.

It even has a fancy name: "Seafood Bisque"

I love the word bisque and it's unique spelling and elegant connotation.

or you could call it  "Frozen Shrimp Dump Soup" but I prefer the prior.

To this day my husband thinks I slave all day to make this chowder and he dreams about it with a capital D... so here's hoping he doesn't read this blog post and discover my deception.

You will need:
2 cans of cream style corn
2 cans of potato soup
1 can of cream of celery
1 block of cream cheese
1 stick of butter (da real stuff)
1 package of frozen seafood (I use frozen shrimp, but crawdad tails or crab meat will do nicely)
1 pint of half & half (Lawd a mercy!)
cayenne pepper for seasoning
a crockpot
a large spoon for stirring
a small spoon for sampling...often

1. Melt the cream cheese block and stick 'o butter on high in the crockpot. Stir.
2. Add everything else, stir. Sample and decide how much "fire" you want and add cayenne pepper accordingly.
3. Cook for 2 hours on high or 4 hours on low or however long you want to cook it, suits me just fine.

When you get done, it looks like this:

But don't eat this everyday in the fall, or you will look like this:

Best wishes and pass the gravy,


Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I have been thinking about something lately and I am wondering if anyone has thought the same thing.

I think we can all agree that the economy is pretty crummy right now. People are being RIFed and downsized and let go everywhere. The cost of gas is high. The cost of some of my favorite Wally World items has gone up. It's just yucky all the way around.

I hear people mentioning:
"It's tight right now."
"I sure could use a raise."
"Please pray that God bless me financially."
"I need a breakthrough with my finances."
"How can I use 389 coupons and walk away paying only $5.93?"

As I have reflected on these comments that I have heard from a variety of people, I can't help but wonder if people are being good stewards of their money. Are they living within their means? Are they enslaved to credit cards? Are they buying stuff they cannot pay for and paying tons of interest?

So, with love, I say these words: "Yes, I will pray that God bless you financially, if:

1. you turn off your EXPENSIVE smart phone and media package plan and get a pre-paid cheapo that simply makes and receives calls
2. trade in your gas guzzling late year model SUV that is costing you a FORTUNE each month for a good dependable used car
3. turn off your DISH network or Direct TV and watch old movies if you have to watch TV or rent one from Red Box for $1.00
4. quit eating out EVERY other night and make sandwiches at home
5. stop buying new outfits, earrings, shoes every weekend and wear something twice for a change
6. pay off your high interest credit cards and SWEAR that you will NOT finance anything unless it is a major purchase such as a car or home...nothing else is worth going into debt over. If the money is not in the bank, DON'T buy it. This goes for buying boats, four wheelers, and other unnecessary entertainment items.

Well, that's my list. If you can afford all of the above, more power to you. But if you can't afford all of the above and you are whining about your finances, get on your knees and ask God to give you the strength to make the necessary changes in your life and handle your money responsibly.

That's my sermon for today.

Now, where is the offering plate?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Road Trip - Part 3 "Great Aunt Ellen Had a Farm"

My mom's mother has a sister.

Her name is Ellen. Which would make her my mom's Aunt Ellen. And my Great Aunt Ellen...and Sydney's Great Great Aunt Ellen.
Which is entirely appropriate 'cause she is REALLY great.

Ellen is married to Pete. They have a farm and live out in the country. Their farm is scaled down from what it used to be, but still, it is a gorgeous piece of country that you would see in a magazine.
Gorgeous, eh?

While we were visiting my grandma and the shoe store in Missouri, we went out to visit Aunt Ellen. And it inspired me to write a song about our visit. It is to the tune of Old MacDonald Had a Farm, so feel free to hum as you read.
Great Aunt Ellen had a farm.
And on that farm she had some horses, E-I-E-I-Oh!
There were 3 little horses
And Sydney really liked 'em
They had really cool names,
But can't remember what they were...
Great Aunt Ellen had a farm,

And on that farm, she had some cows.
With a moo, moo here..
And a mad lookin' cow there
Big black cows that
looked kinda scary
Great Aunt Ellen had a farm, E-I-E-I-Oh!

And on that farm, she had a swing, E-I-E-I-Oh!
And the little girl swang, and she swang, and she swang
She swang in the breeze and talked about the trees
Great Aunt Ellen had a farm, E-I-E-I-Oh!

And on that farm, she had cats and dogs, E-I-E-I-Oh!
With a Kitty Mew Mew here
And a doberman named Joy there
Who played with a coffee can,
And was really crazy,

Great Aunt Ellen had a farm, E-I-E-I-Oh!  

And on that farm, she had a beautiful stocked pond, E-I-E-I-Oh!
And a paddle boat too,
In which Gigi tried to fish
With water spiders everywhere
And a kid without a care
Great Aunt Ellen had a farm, E-I-E-I-Oh!

And on that farm, Gigi actually caught a fish, E-I-E-I-Oh!
Which Syd had to kiss

which flipped it's fin in her face
Which made her laugh at loud

Which entertained the entire crowd

Great Aunt Ellen had a farm,
