Holy Guacamole!
A recap..
School has begun. I love my class. I have 11 8th graders who are dreamy to teach...laugh at my jokes, and compliment me excessively. They are learning huge words like prosaic, indomitable, and acquiesce.
Syd has begun her Mon, Wed, Friday Preschool, comes home singing "Happy Birthday to Me" and "Jesus Loves Me" everyday, so things must be going swell there. She is loving her Tues/Thurs gig at my friend's Lea Ann's house where she plays ALL DAY LONG and eats her weight in "pop pops" (posicles).
Chris is taking a Biology class in the hopes of gaining enough Science hours to begin yet another degree....like either one of us need ANOTHER piece of paper on the wall, but I support anybody's efforts to get smarter or get another piece of paper because I am a lifelong student myself. I would go to school everyday for the rest of my life, Amen. I live for school.
Yes, I am a nerd.
I am doing much better about loading and unloading the dishwasher and keeping the kitchen floor clean. Not sure where that came from or why I even said that, but there.
Our area in East Texas finally got a long, refreshing rain courtesy of a tropical storm, so we are all in a little bit better mood.
..........and..........the following pics have no relevance whatsoever to my post but my kid looks like an angel when she sleeps, so, I had to share....
Have a great week, keep the shiny side up, and tell God how much you love Him...'cause no matter what, He's still good and He's still God.

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