Saturday, May 12, 2012

A step of EPIC proportions...well, for us at least!

My husband and I have been married for 11 years (well on June 9 in about 4 weeks, it will be 11).

We have lived in 4 places in those 11 years, thus, buying a home was not terribly appealing to us. The market has been so weird lately. We've seen houses just sit on the market for what seems like forever and have watched friends struggle to sell their homes. Let's face it, our economy is at best, bearish.

So, we have happily rented. We've rented duplexes, condos, 3 BDRM houses, and even a historical home. We've been super blessed with finding decent looking places for decent prices. We are eternally grateful to the Lord for leading us to safe, affordable residences.

As our family is expanding, the need for a new home is blatantly evident. We are out of bedrooms in our current place, so finding a house is of utmost importance. We have decided to buy a home.

Now, to some folks, that's no big deal. But to us, it is MAJOR. That means, commitment. My hubs and I are commitment-phobic for so many reasons (thankfully not in the marriage department) and this has caused mondo stress in our household lately.

We have looked high and low for a home within the last year. When I say high, I mean, we have seen some DREAM homes, but with nightmarish price tags. Now, some folks will buy a house that is so gorgeous and deluxe that they can barely afford their note, much less groceries and gas for the car. WE are not like We are not about appearances. As long as a house is clean and comfortable, it does not have to supremo-deluxo. If you don't like it, don't come visit.
We're not going to live month to month and wonder how we're going to buy school supplies. Stupid.

As far as low goes, we have seen some of the most pitiful abodes you can imagine. It would take SO much money to make it inhabitable, that it's not even worth the asking price. Some folks are outside their minds.

I've been a little stressed lately about our luck with finding a house. I have asked the Lord to give me peace and help me to trust in Him and His timeline, and not mine. I prefer to move before the baby is born so I don't have to help stress as much with lifting and packing.

I stumbled across this listing the other day. Now, what is strange is that this company is based out of Beaumont and Houston, not our area. So, it was completely a coincidence miracle that I found it.

kitchen (obviously)

I could spend some chilly evenings in front of this baby.
(I am OBSESSED with wood burning fireplaces...not gas, mind you. That is heresy.)

6 Acres of gorgeous land

A sun room for, uh, whatever!

This picture I have of the front of the house does not do it justice, or I would post it. It is set WAY off the road and has a long paved driveway, a 2 car garage, and lots of green grass to roll around in. Yes, we would like to add a couple of rooms and a contractor has already told us how to do it. It is not perfect, but, is definitely workable, and we put a bid in on it today!

Signing my name to all those papers gave me a major dose of heartburn and Chris nearly stroked out, but, we are going to make ourselves do this. After all, baby Chambers deserves a bedroom, not a linen closet.

So, I am praying for God's will to be done. Thanks for agreeing with me!



Tessa said...

Exciting! And yes, while not perfect, you can always make changes! Our first house we did A LOT of work to. This one doesn't need as much, but definitely things I want to do...when the time (er, money) is right! LOL
Hope you got it!

Unknown said...

Love it! :)