Let me introduce you to my absolutely all-time favorite shoe store.
It is called Nearly Perfect Shoes."
Theses stores are only found in the boot heel region of Missouri.
If you adore shoes like I do, it is worth the drive to snatch up some of the most UNBELIEVABLE
bargains you will EVER see.
And lucky for me, my Grandma lives in the boot heel of Missouri.
So, a trip to Grandma's automatically means a trip to Nearly Perfect Shoes.
See, when name brand super expensive nice shoes that are sold in department stores don't meet inspection for the slightest reason (say there is a small nick on the sole or maybe a shoelace is 1 inch too short)
they cannot be sold in stores and that is where Nearly Perfect Shoes comes in.
I figure, my feet aren't perfect so why should my shoes be?
Especially when they are sold at a FRACTION of the price.
I took Sydney to Nearly Perfect Shoes for the first time and I have never been prouder.
She is a SHOE DIVA..just like her mama.
She squealed with delight as she scanned the aisles...just like her mama.
She tried on pair, after pair, after pair, after pair of shoes and smiled with glee...just like her mama.
She jumped for joy when she found the perfect pair...just like her mama.
She put the shoes on and pranced around and them placed them back on the rack...just like her mama.
She shopped till she dropped and didn't know when to stop buying shoes...just like her mama.
I am proud to say that I bought a VERY comfortable pair of Clark's that retail at for $85...for $28.
And...a gorgeous pair of New Balance tennis shoes that retail for $109...for $32.
And...a fantastic pair of Origins clogs that retail for... heck if I know... for...$22.
And I could go on, but you would just continue to be insanely jealous of my fabuluscious deals.
So, do yourself a HUGE favor and make the trip to Nearly Perfect shoes.
Now, excuse me while I visit their website and grab those flame covered tennis shoes that I made Sydney put back on the rack.

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