Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pray for Emma Lee

My close friend Kim who knows the pain of infertility like I do, experienced the miracle of conception through IVF last fall. She was thrilled to say the least and we have been so happy to have been pregnant at the same time. Kim was due towards the end of July, but due to sudden onset preeclampsia, her baby was taken via C-section on Monday, July 6. Kim and her hubby Stephen did not find out the gender of the baby and enjoyed the precious surprise of a sweet baby girl, Emma Lee (8 pounds and 19 inches long). Emma Lee has had a hard time and has been on oxygen and an IV since she arrived. I was on my way to see Kim today and received a tear-jerking phone call from her. She said they were sending her baby to Shreveport due to a hemathorax (accumulation of blood in the chest due to a rupture). She would need a chest tube put in to hopefully alleviate this condition. Needless to say, Kim was frantic and I prayed for her to have peace and that Emma Lee would be miraculously healed. Please pray for Emma Lee and her mommy and daddy, Kim and Stephen. They are precious people who have tried for a long time to have a child and it is gut-wrenching to know that this longed for child is suffering. I know my God is a miracle-working God and He will make a way. Please agree with me.

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