Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Very Special Mother's Day

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve...counting down the hours until the day comes that gives special honor to all women who have children.

I cannot believe that I am looking forward to a day, that for the last several years, has been filled with heartache and frustration. Tomorrow will be a day in which I can stand up with the rest of the mothers at church and be loved and prayed over. I will not have to stay seated with the teenage girls and men. I am FINALLY a mother! I give all the glory to God for the miracle of motherhood that I am experiencing this year for the first time.

In honor of this very special Mother's Day, I wrote a poem for my own mother. I framed this poem along with a picture of Sydney and myself. I am planning on presenting this gift to my mom tomorrow and I hope she will be touched by the words that came straight from my heart.

“Since I’ve Become a Mother”

Since I’ve Become a Mother, I now can comprehend,
What it’s like to share each day, With your future dearest friend.

Before I had my baby, I didn’t understand,
The way a heart is molded, changed, By a tiny little hand.

When I rock sweet Sydney, And gaze upon her face,
I imagine me, cradled there, You, sitting in my place.

The love I have for her, So strong, it’s hard to breathe,
Thrills me at a greater depth, ‘cause, You feel that love for me.

As I watch her sleeping, I wonder who she’ll be,
And what I’ll do to guide her steps, Just like you did for me.

You taught me how to listen, To live for Him each day,
I will instill those same beliefs, So she’ll walk in His way.

Since I’ve Become a Mother, My heart’s bigger than before,
Not sure how it’s possible, But I love you even more.

---Renesha Bishop Chambers, 2009

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