Sunday, May 1, 2011

'Cause she makes me laugh

If you are easily bored my gushing mamas who talk about all the cute things their babies do, I advise you to click on another link in your favorites bar.

Don't say I didn't warn you. This post is strictly personal. It's for me. I just have to document the hilarious things Sydney is saying/doing these days.

Lately, she plays, "This Little Piggy" with her toes, by herself, in her room. If you listen closely from the doorway you will hear her say, "Dis piggy has roass beev," and "dis piggy goes weeeee all da way home."  She then tickles her baby toe all the way up to her upper thigh...just like her Gigi taught her to do.

The other day, I was stretched out in the floor with her and she demanded, "Foot!" I stuck my foot in front of her and she started "The Little Piggy" with my toes. She squeezed each toe just like I squeeze hers. We laughed manically over each others' toes for quite a while.

She is very concerned about the well being of everyone/everything around her. She drops her Elmo spoon and says, "Uh oh! You alright? It's okay!" I stub my toe and Sydney is quick to say, "Oh my! Uh oh. Mommy. You alright? It's alright. It's okay." She will promptly come kiss my bo-bo. But what kills me is when she kisses her own bo-bo if I am not in the vicinity for bo-bo kissing. She is definitely gonna be able to take care of herself.

The latest phrase that is the funniest of them all is..


Which sounds like: "Oooohcacagrosnasnaspew" when she says it all at once as one giant word of disgust. Anything that: falls on the floor, smells, looks icky, or goes in the potty, or goes in the trash can, is described as this one giant word. It pretty much sums it all up.

And...she has boycotted all milk and milk products.
She demands a chocolate pudding cup for breakfast.
She raids Jessi's jelly beans at her daddy's office.
When we pass by the city park in the car, she hollers "Park! Ride? Slide? Swing? Go Play? Sydney go play? Now!? Huh? Mama? HUH?"
When we drive by Lowe's and she sees the playground equipment that is setup for sale, she also forcefully expresses her desire to play at the "park."
She tells EVERYBODY "bye-bye, see ya!"
She is fascinated by birds.
She has started to say, "Mommy! Hi Mommy!" which is more than I can handle.
She also calls for "Daddy!" in the morning times.
She pretends to spit in the sink after she brushes her teeth. Again...just kills me.
When we pull into our neighborhood and she recognizes we are close to the house, she says in her high pitched voice, "We're Hu-ome!" and begins to chuckle.
She tells me to "push the button" on the garage door opener. As the door opens, she raises her arms like she praising the Lord as the glory of the outdoors is revealed.
She loves to go to "school."
She refuses to use the potty for its intended purposes. She will sit on it. She will sing. She will "wipe." She will flush. But she will not "GO."

Oh, Sydney. You are one funny duck.

I told her that the other day.

Her response?  "Quack!"

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