Monday, September 27, 2010


It was quite a shock to learn that my mother, who is young, energetic, healthy, and full of life, has advanced ovarian cancer. We are still reeling from the news, but are resting in the embrace of our Savior. It may have surprised us, but it did not surprise Him. He is going to walk with us through this valley and sustain us when our strength and patience is gone.

We are still waiting on the pathology reports to return so we can get more details about the road ahead. She will be admitted to M.D. Anderson hospital as soon as she is discharged from the hospital in Lufkin. She is in good spirits and when you leave her hospital room, you are in a better mood than when you walked in. Sounds like my mom, right?

Please agree with us that she will be healed of this disease. The days of miracles are not over! Her life will be back to normal soon...running around chasing her granddaughter, sewing for others, and digging in the dirt.

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