Thursday, January 26, 2012

It Could Be Worse

Ever have a do over day? A day where you thought, "Okay, this is not working for me. We need to rewind the footage and start this puppy over and MAYBE things will turn out better."

Ever had a "never want to relive this day again day?" A day where the very thought of a "do-over" sends chills of dread and sweat trickling down your face? Well, bruthas and sistas, today was one of those days.

As I took my troubles to the Lord, I began to realize my God was bigger, stronger, and more powerful than the obstacles facing me. I focused on the promise and not the problem, and I really struggled with this at first...

And God answered prayers. He came through. He made a way where there seemed to be NO WAY.

And now, I think, could have been worse...

I could've been this fella
getting an exam from this girl...
and receiving a the gut..

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