Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A List - In Pictures

The last 12 days of my life have been well...wacko.

So in honor of my 12 day of weirdness, out of my routineness, and bizarro-ness, I give you 12 random, interesting, wonderful, or bizarro things that have run across my mind today...in no particular order.

I could eat  breakfast at the Belle-Jim hotel everyday for the rest of my natural life. Sydney could too, I believe. If Pat would rent a room out to me, I think we could make this happen. The Belle-Jim has some of the best down home, country, grandma's style cooking you have ever eaten.

This...hurts...bad...and is the reason I have been home with my child for 2 days. Can you imagine what the inside of her mouth and throat look like? Lawd a mercy.

My husband's headstone will look like this...and at the bottom it will say..."and he loved his wife and daughter, too."

Finally getting used to my new shorter, blonder self and have quit scaring myself everytime I walk by a mirror.

I miss this little dog, really bad. Sydney misses her too. I am trying not to boo-hoo.

A sure sign that your kid feels rotten. She walks peacefully, quietly, and calmly into the exam room, and in one motion, hefts herself up to the exam table and lays there until the dr. comes in. Wow. 

Macaroni and cheese with chopped up hotdogs served in a Sonic hot dog boat is about as close to heaven on Earth as you get when it comes to dinner in Sydney's eyes.

Puppies *especially spotted ones* make everything better.

One of the 176 reasons I love my husband. Oh, and there are only 176 of them. I should know. I counted.

Would love to take this approach to my Wii Fit regimen and get results. Basking in the sunlight, laying across the board...now THAT's what I'm talking about.

8th graders can be kinda cute when they are playing a game and working nicely together.

My absolutely number one favorite person at the moment.
All you need to know is that her name is Jessica, she's amazing, she's pretty, she talks to my husband in a tone of voice that makes me giggle, she took over my job as chief, cook, and bottlewasher at our business, and has made my life 1,000 times easier.
I rank her right up there with Mother Teresa.
I'm sure I shall compose a song about her in the future.
One of the lines will be, "just when I thought I was going to commit a homicide, I saw your face," or something like that.

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