Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

We now interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for a quick session of unadulterated pity party throwing.

I have a sign up in my classroom that says, "Kwitcherbelliaiken."

It translates to "Quit Your Belly Achin" and I should adhere to that rule right now...but...

I have been sick for 3 weeks straight.

First it was the flu. Then it was a horrible sinus infection. Now it is bronchitis and a chronic cough.

It sounds like I have tuberculosis. My students at school tell me, "Shouldn't you be at home?"

But what is so amazing is that when I went to church Sunday and lead praise and worship, my coughing stopped, my voice cleared up, and my head quit hurting. It was like I was given a few hours of relief. The Lord Himself touched my body just long enough for me to serve Him in the capacity in which He has called me.

My body was fearfully and wonderfully made and it MUST line up with the Word of God. Will you agree with me that every cootie, germ, and bacteria that is continually invading my body will LEAVE?!

I would certainly appreciate it. Afterall...I have a certain little 2 year old's birthday party to go to this weekend and I must be able to "Twist and Shout" the house down and then shout the house down even more on Sunday.


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