Thursday, August 20, 2009

6 Months

I love my Aunt Gina!

Your Baby Can Read

Daddy, are you sure about this?

Notice the two spoon approach used by Mr. Chambers

Is this how this thing works?

I don't need no stinkin handles...

This thing's empty!

What a big girl you are, Sydney! We can't believe that it has been 6 months since you arrived and changed our world forever.

S - So happy all of the time! You never meet a stranger and smile at everyone (well almost everyone) you meet. People stop us in the store and say, "Her smile just made my day!" I am so blessed to have such a cheerful, pleasant baby that is a joy to be around. I have heard that some babies are just down right cranky all the time. I love it when our eyes meet from across the room and you smile at me spontaneously. It's more than I can take!

Y - You are weighing in at approximately 16 pounds and have almost outgrown your size 2 diapers. You are wearing 6 months sized clothing and can't STAND to wear shoes or headbands. No big bows for you, baby. Only small clippies that barely hang on to your few hairs. You have a little curl right in the middle of your forehead, and when you are good, you are very, very good, which is MOST of the time.

D - Doing things yourself is the name of the game. You try to grab the spoon to feed yourself, you hold on to the couch and stand unassisted, you are ALMOST crawling (in the rocking stage), and you grab everything out of my hands.

N - Never boring. Life with you is never dull and I can't wait to wake up each day to see what new thing you do, "say", or accomplish. Just when I think my heart is full to bursting, I find room to love you even more.

E - Everything deserves to be "talked" to. You "talk" to every toy, bib, burp cloth, blanket, pacifier, and even the cat. You are always "talking" and it makes your daddy so happy to hear you chatting away. When he comes home, you always have a "hi" for him and it makes his day.

Y - Yummies! You have eaten EVERYTHING I have put in front you. Your faves are green peas (mama's fave too) and bananas. Prunes are last on your list, but like a trooper, you swallow them down. You love to listen to Lindell Cooley or Australia Hillsongs music when you eat and you can't eat for smiling sometimes. You raise up your arms like you are flying away, but personally, I think you are just a charismatic, pentecostal baby and are practicing for the future.

1 comment:

Tessa said...

How's Sydney liking that sippy cup? Olivia was much more interested in hers a month ago than she is now. Did you purchase "Your Baby Can Read" or was that just a caption you made up?