#10 Why am I making exactly 2 dozen cookies tonight for my class tomorrow? Why didn't I make more? I have exactly enough for each darling to have 2 cookies, but I really want a cookie right now and they smell so good but I dare not eat one because then I will be short. Should I eat one and hope that one of my students is absent tomorrow? Hmmm...
#9 Why on earth did Sydney decide that a nap was not in her plans today? Doesn't she know I depend on that 2 hours of quiet bliss during which I accomplish all of my junk that I dare not attempt to do while she is breathing and standing upright?
#8 Tomorrow is Friday. Hallelujah, praise je to Besus, and pass the biscuits.
#7 If I snap my fingers really hard, close my eyes, say a prayer, click my heels together, and touch my nose, I really think those dishes in the sink will dance their way into the dishwasher. I think it is worth a try.
#6 Is there a reason why my refrigerator has turned into a bulletin board? Must I secure every valuable piece of paper and receipt to my cold storage food box with a vegetable shaped magnet? Surely there is a file drawer somewhere in which these items would be more comfortable. My fridge looks like a desk threw up on it. I've got to do something about that...
#5 How many days are there until Thanksgiving Break? Hours? Minutes?
#4 Am I good mother? Am I doing everything right for Sydney? Is she lacking for something? An article of clothing or pair of shoes? A toy? A stimulating brain-activating item that I have yet to supply for her? Do I hold her enough? Rock her enough? Talk to her enough?
#3 I really need to log on Gevalia.com to order our Holiday coffees, and pronto. That's super important, right up there with keeping the toilet paper supply stocked.
#2 Maybe I should've paid closer attention during high school chemistry seeing as how I have to teach my darlings how to balance chemical equations in the next few weeks...UGH...
and..............the # 1 thought wandering amuck in my brain...
What is this painful little bump on my index finger? I sure hope it's not a wart.
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