Lately I've been noticing something that bothers me. It bothers me deeply...on a spiritual level. I have been grappling with this thought for months now: "What is with the current philosophy (especially among Christians) that speaking out against sin is being judgmental or intolerant?"
How many times have I heard lately (especially among Christians) these words: "How they live their life is their business." -or- "God knows their heart." -or- "God loves them just the way they are." -or- "It's not my place to say anything." -or- "I can't say anything. I might offend them."
I sincerely believe that this generation, my generation, is slowly being destroyed by what I call "pervasive tolerance." Everybody is okay. Everybody is living their life the way THEY think it is best. They are doing what is right according to THEM. We don't want anybody to feel bad about themselves. We're okay with people acting like complete heathens as long as they don't hurt anybody else. Afterall, who are WE to force our beliefs on them?
I know die-hard "go to church every time the door is open" so-called Christians who live like the devil all week and claim to be "holy" when the time is right. No wonder people are unimpressed with our churches today. Go ahead, call me judgmental and intolerant. I am just calling a spade a spade.
Clang, clang. Here ye, here ye! Doing what feels good for you is called "moral relativism." Moral relativism means everything is "relative," even right and wrong. Right and wrong is not relative to you, cause it's not about you. It's about Jesus, His life, His sacrifice, His words of truth, straight from the Word.
If your ideas don't line up with His ideas and your thoughts don't jive with His thoughts, guess who's in the wrong?
Clue: It's not Him. be continued....
1 comment:
Jared and I were just having this conversation today! So weird! In our attempt to teach our children to be accepting of people's differences (color, race, etc.) we've also taught and are teaching our children to be tolerate of lifestyles that are clearly against God's Word.
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