Let me set the stage.
My husband decides to do dinner. He goes to the store, buys the items he will prepare, and then comes home to begin "cooking." He is grilling a couple of steaks and throwing a couple of potatoes in the oven. Simple, good, and appreciated.
He sets the table and lays out the silverware.
During the meal, I hear, "Do you like it? Does it taste good? What do you think? Do you see how I set out the plates? Did you notice I put out your silverware and the glasses? Were you impressed with how I got the grated cheese out of the refrigerator? What do you think? Did I do good or what?'
I assure him repeatedly that everything tastes fantastic and that I love the fact that he set the table and placed the grated cheese out for my easy use. I again brag, reinforce, and encourage, because after all that's what a wife does and I was truly appreciative of his effort to prepare a meal.
But, can someone please explain to me why something that I do EVERYDAY (2-3 times a day) without fail, without being asked, without thanks, but with a joyful heart, is magically something that deserves accolades, applause, and approval when it is done by my man?
'Atta Boy. Gotta love him.
I hear you! Like when he makes the bed or unpacks the diswaher he needs gold star's on his cheast and lots of praise! I follow your blog from Western Australia and am a Niesha too!
great to hear from you! So glad my man's issues are worldwide...I've been curious about my Australian visitor and I'm thrilled to know you are a Nesha, too!
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