As a teacher of barely teenagers, I find myself learning new lingo DAILY.
Today's lesson will be "unnecessary comments." These are comments that my darlings think must be said after another classmate has said something that they
a. think has a slightly "criminal" overtone
b. think is ridiculous
c. think is kinda sorta true
The following three words are to be spoken with major attitudinal undertones and a very pronounced head bobble or sway.
"ish" - kinda, sorta (spoken in reference to the last adjective uttered)
Student #1: "We're going to start a new history lesson today! It will be super duper cool!"
Student #2: "ish"
"cough cough wink wink"- alluding to an action that the perpretrator sees as victimless but makes reference to the fact that this action may lead to trouble, although not in the speaker's opinion, sometimes combined with "sneeze sneeze" or "nudge nudge"
Student #1: "I will run that errand for you and be back in a jiffy."
Student # 2: "cough cough wink wink"
"OMG, LOL" - are you kidding me?
Student #1: "Can we please have more homework?"
Student #2: "OMG! LOL!"
I have become accustomed to this vernacular and have squashed its utterances in my room because it pretty much annoys me beyond description.
If you can't say something nice, then HUSH THY MOUTH. I have my children repeat these mantras daily:
"Self control is mouth control."
"Delayed obedience is disobedience."
"My teacher rocks."
Maybe not the last one, but DEFINITELY the first 2.
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