We know each other very well. I can sense a change in the weather when I detect just the slightest variation of the tone of his voice. He knows exactly what I'm thinking by just looking at my face. I can tell you precisely what he is doing, thinking, or expressing in the other room by just the sound of his breathing. Really, I can.
Now, I could get all mushy and say that our relationship is deep and meaningful and he completes me and all that gobbledy gook, but who wants to hear all that?
Wouldn't you like to read about the way we are most compatible?
Food. Yes. We are one with our food.
Two examples:
Example # 1
Last Friday evening he called me and said, "What do you want for dinner?" I jokingly responded, "I want a big juicy steak from Logan's Roadhouse if you want to know the truth." (Logan's is an hour drive down the road.) He chuckles, "Well, that's my second witness. I was thinking the EXACT same thing. One steak, coming right up!" We had steak that night, you betcha, and it was delish. I cried tears of delight.
Example #2
I am busily working on my laptop in the bedroom. He is working in the office. I suddenly get the urge for a Klondike bar that is hiding behind the Lean Cuisines in the freezer. I send him a telepathic message to retrieve this calorie-laden novelty for me. Before I even get the words out, "Would you..." I look up and my knight in shining tin foil is standing at the bedroom door with a glistening ice cream square. I never had to say a word. He just knew. With all of the courteousness he can muster, he hurls the bar at me... narrowly missing my forehead. I swooned.
Yes, as romantic as it sounds, we are on the same food frequency.
Along with bearing a child that permanently destroyed my abdominal muscles and added 20 pounds of girth to my middle, that's probably why we are not the same svelte and fit folks we were when we got married....
112 months ago.
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