I will sum it up to say that this person was very surprised that I only had 1 small child at "my age." Also, this person repeatedly expressed their surprise that I did so well in high school and now have ended up back in my hometown.
...an excerpt...
C.M.: (classmate) "Is that your baby?"
Me: Yes.
C.M. (strange look) "Is that your youngest?"
Me: Yes, and my only.
C.M. (stranger look) "You only have 1 child? How old is she?"
Me: She is almost 16 months.
C.M. "Oh, okay." (C.Mate's nearly grown child comes up to him.)
Me: Her name is Sydney.
C.M. "Hmmm." (bizarre deer in the headlights look)
C.M.: "So, what are you doing back in Jasper? Weren't you like valedictorian or something?"
Me: "Uh, no I was not."
C.M.: "What was your class ranking?"
Me: "I can't really remember but, maybe #6."
C.M.: "Oh, so what are you doing back here?"
Me: "I moved back for several personal reasons."
C.M.: "Hmmm.." (weird look in the distance)
I told you the conversation was strange. I left out other interesting tidbits for the sake of brevity. You get the idea. I didn't say all the things I wanted to say to this person in response to the crazy questions and looks I received, because I am really working on keeping my mouth shut. But, for some reason, I feel the need to say them now.
"Yes sir, that's my baby, my one and only. I did not have a kid right out of high school. I went to college, got a degree, found a wonderful guy, got married, enjoyed life, visited amazing places, went to grad school, got my masters, and have held down a great job for some time now. I actually left Jasper and lived in Houston and worked with phenomenal people and students. I do realize there is a world outside of Jasper.
By the way, you have no idea what it is like to struggle for years trying to have a baby while everyone around you is popping them out like spit wads out of straw. The immense pain I went through cannot be described, but by the grace of God, I was given a miracle when there was no hope left. Yes, I am a first time mom in my thirties and there is nothing wrong with that...and just because I worked hard in high school doesn't mean I am disqualified from coming back to my hometown. This place could use a few more people with brain cells, don't you think? Why are you here and not in some huge metropolitan area pulling down 6 figures? Huh?You got any more questions for me, bub?"
There, I feel better now.
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