1. On the way to Tennessee, we noticed a large pick-up truck weaving about erratically. Upon closer investigation, the driver of the truck had both hands on his cell phone busily texting, his head was looking straight down, and the wheel was not being manned by any part of his body...knee, leg, elbow, nothing. I guess he had auto-pilot installed on this particular vehicle. Crazy.
2. One evening at the hotel, I was sitting downstairs using the business center to do some emailing and such and I was dressed in raggedy shorts, flip flops, t-shirt, hair in a lop-sided ponytail and was make-up free. I was busily blogging when a couple of young girls (20ish) came into the room and said, "Uh, okay, are you like the concierge, or something? Like, we need a concierge (they pronounced it "consherge") 'cause we want to, like, find a Starbucks, you know?" I wanted to say, "Well, uh, I AM the consherge but it's my break and I am like chillin' ya know, so come back later, you know, like when I'm not on my break." I wanted to say that, but I didn't.
The funny thing is...there was a Starbucks IN the hotel...literally around the corner from the business center. Oh my.
3. On Friday evening, it began to pour down rain in downtown Chattanooga. There was lightning, thunder, etc. There was this girl walking in the pouring down rain with her flip-flops on heading towards a cupcake shop. The cupcake shop was 5 blocks from the hotel. She hit a slick spot on the sidewalk and fell to her knees and was visibly hurt. Do you think she turned around and went back to the hotel to get medical attention? Noooo...she continued towards the cupcake shop. It appeared as though she was on a mission to get the world's most delicious cupcake that a friend may have recommended that she purchase. When she emerged with a cupcake sized white box, she walked 5 more blocks in the pouring rain back to the hotel. As she entered the lobby, she slipped and fell again! Who wears flip flops in the rain? Talk about a nut job.
4. When Chris and I visited the Ruby Falls cave in Chattanooga, we witnessed...
a lady walking in the dark, slick, cave wearing very fashionable high heels
a lady carrying a newborn baby into the depths of the cave
a teenage girl complaining non-stop about how she had NO cell phone service down in the cave
people tossing coins into the pools of water (of which we were told specifically not to do since it disrupts the chemical balance of the cave environment)
2 boys repeatedly belch as we enjoyed the natural beauty and wonderment
Yes, these folks walk among us. Crazy people, I tell you. If ignorance was bliss, they'd be blisters!
Well, I better not pick on them too much 'cause
the cupcake girl...you know the dummy who walked in the pouring rain for a baked good...
was me.
And tune in tomorrow for a FULL REPORT of the deliciousness of the cupcake. It will knock your socks off, curl your toes, and kiss your grits.
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