I smiled so much today that my mouth muscles are tired.
I smiled when my kid started dancing an Irish jig when the local news came on the radio this morning. She loves the intro music. It reminds me of what you would hear back in the 80's when the 5 o'clock news starts. Very cheesy. Very funny. Perfect music to dance to.
I smiled when my kid sat down on the floor and opened up her favorite book while I was folding laundry. It was obvious that I was busy, but she opened up each page and pointed and I "read" (recited) what was on that page to her. She found it astounding that I had each page memorized and all she had to do was turn the page, and I read to her from across the room. She squealed with delight. I squealed too.
I smiled when my kid climbed up on the couch with me, patted my leg, and gave me puppy dog eyes until I gave up part of my grape sno-cone. She took a slurp, closed her eyes, and opened up her mouth again like a baby bird searching for a worm. After too many bites in succession, she began to smack her head repeatedly and shake it back and forth. Funny...I do the SAME thing when I get brain freezes too. I laughed and smiled and laughed some more.
I smiled when my kid was taking a bath and her dad was helping to wash her hair. She giggled when he poured the water over head to rinse off the suds. She leaned over into the bubbles and then sat up with a long bubble goatee. She said, "hey, hey." I chuckled all over.
I smiled a bunch today. Joy. Simplistic Joy.
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