It just seems like these visits get harder and harder the older she gets. We walk in the cheerful office and Sydney starts to stiffen up. She knows...yes...she knows...this is where her legs get poked.
Throughout the visit she cries and fusses and cries and fusses. I can't even hear what Dr. Huggins is saying. I start to get flushed and irritated and frustrated with my child. I don't understand why she's having such a meltdown. Sydney has a blockage in her right ear and it must be removed. She really enjoyed that part..oh yeah.
Then, come to find out, she has ulcers in her throat. It's just a virus but can make usually pleasant children very unpleasant. Joy.
Then, here come the shots. They give the shots 2 at a time so it is over with in a hurry, but still makes my child really ticked off. She screams, thrashes around, and acts like she is being tortured. Lovely.
We get in the car and the fussing continues....all the way back home. I end up having my dad drive (Pawpaw came along for emotional support and extra arms) so I can sit in the back seat, shove fruity Cheerios in her mouth, sing to her, amuse her, and attempt to keep her from screaming. I usually can't ride in the back seat due to car sickness, so that adds to the excitement.
We finally arrive home after a fun-filled day at the doctor's office. I pitch her in the crib and crash out myself.
The kid sleeps for 2 hours. She wakes up, happy as a nothing ever happened.
Goody goody... I can't wait till we go back in August.
1 comment:
Dr. Huggins is my daughter's doctor too and we love her. Don't feel bad, I was just there Tuesday and my daughter screamed the entire time we waited for Dr. Huggins. I know they are used to it and probably didn't even notice the loud shrills coming from behind the door to room 3, but it was still very stressful!
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