One day, this hard workin' mama received a phone call while she was about to walk out of the door to head to work. The mama ignored the phone call since she was casually chatting with her babysitter and waiting on her hair to dry.
Then, the hard workin' mama walked out the door, got in the car, and returned the missed phone call. Here is the paraphrased transcript of the conversation that ensued:
Voice: "Hey, are you coming to the meeting?"
Mama: "What meeting?"
Voice: "The meeting you scheduled for this morning."
Mama: "I scheduled a meeting?"
Voice: "Uh, yeah, the big important meeting with important people who are all waiting on you to get yourself here."
Mama: "Oh, THAT meeting. I will be right there."
The hard workin' mama immediately began to feel very sick to her stomach and lightheaded. She began to wonder how in the sam hill williams she forgot about a meeting that SHE herself had scheduled. She wondered if she had really gotten that crazy and forgetful...or was this yet another effect of maternal exhaustion. She asked herself, "What was I smoking scheduling an 8:00 Monday morning meeting?"
She made it to her meeting, apologized profusely, and took off on the agenda at hand. Thank goodness the important people she was meeting with were understanding...especially since they were all mothers, too and looked pretty exhausted themselves.
The hard workin' and tired mama made it through the day by answering phone calls from obnoxious people, responding to emails from crotchety people, and pushing paper for demanding people...and to top it off, heard these wise words from her boss, "Well, honey, everybody's mad at you, so I guess you're doing something right."
She then realized if that was the case, she must have achieved the pinnacle of righteousness.
The End.
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