Behold, the Easter dress I purchased for my child. It wasn't on sale. I paid full price for a smocked and pearl beaded Easter dress. I am still in shock that I did such a thing, for I am the Queen of Frugal, the Princess of Cheap, and the Diva of Discount.
Behold, the lovely Easter outfit Sydney ended up hunting her eggs in because she came in contact with a disgusting black substance at some point between the church parking lot and the church entrance and then added to that lovely smearing of tar, some orange substance. So, the white dress was covered in black smears and orange blobs, and this was all before 11:45. The striped sweat pants, stained onesie, and old pink sandals really do a lot for her, don't you think?
Behold, the dream I had the night before of my child (child pictured is not my child) frolicking and hunting eggs adorned in a lovely dress, amongst other precious children who are also frolicking and hunting eggs in their Easter finest.
Behold, the frustrated mother attempting to put the nasty sandal back on the ant bed mud encrusted foot of the child who is attempting to consume a plastic Easter egg and absolutely refuses to place the egg in the basket, therefore, forcing her mother to hunt eggs for her and manhandle a few 4 year olds who are not hunting eggs in their section. My child will have eggs, by golly, whether she wants them or not.
Behold, the basket of eggs the frustrated mother picked up rapidly while elbowing other small children.
Behold, a very happy child who could absolutely care less about what she is wearing or anyone else around her. She is in heaven running around in the grass, picking up eggs, shaking them, and getting her feet dirty. She loves life. She loves being outside. She is not concerned with all the junk that everyone else thinks is so important. She is just glad to be here.
I'm glad she's here too.
Behold, a very jubilant child opening up her Easter basket that one of Chris' patients gave to her. Her Mama didn't get her one, 'cause she thought she was too little.
But apparently, she got a kick out of it.
But apparently, she got a kick out of it.
All of this is well and good, but the best thing about our Easter was that 5 people gave their hearts to Jesus during the morning service. Yes, I said 5 people.
Easter dramas are great, egg hunting is fun, and who doesn't love candy, but if no one comes to know the Lord, what is the POINT? The point is, we missed the point completely.
The REAL reason we celebrate Easter is to remember the ultimate sacrifice given for our sins.
The unbelievable price paid so that we could have eternal life.
New life. Resurrected life.
Now 5 more folks are going to enjoy the glory of heaven.
BEHOLD, He is Risen!
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