Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It Thrills My Soul

to read this book

and this book

to my girl.

Maybe I'm a little strange, but I actually made up a little tune to the words in this story and instead of simply reading it, I sing it to her. I love making these memories and it simply thrills my soul to see her giggle and smile when we get to her favorite parts. She's pretty talented with sound effects, you know.

1 comment:

Michy said...'re not strange! i do the same w/all of Sandra Boynton's books! They are awesome! Have you used Snuggle Puppy yet? That's one of my son (20 mo) favorite....Do you know there are CDs too??
I found your blog on Kelly's Korner after I joined up! I'm a new blogger, learning this blogger world! Stop by if you'd like!
but most of all....CONGRATS on your wonderful news.
God bless you along this journey....God is good!!!