I am the resident nurse/physician/dermatologist & nutritionist at my house.
I listen to coughs, examine weird places on the skin, monitor all food products and constantly check temps.
I just have to keep abreast on the general health of my small brood of 2. Chris of course is included as one of my big babies.
A strange spot popped up on Chris' neck a few months ago. I knew at first glance that it wasn't your typical sun spot, age spot, or mole. It changed colors, shapes, had irregular edges, bled spontaneously, and just gave me the heebie jeebies. Every time I would tickle his neck while draping my arm around him at church, there it was. I keep feeling it there and by golly it kept bugging me.
I began to think back to a young man I taught in my 2nd grade class several years ago named "Jamie." He had an older sister and a precious mom and loving father. His mother helped out in my room and was one of the sweetest people you could ever hope to know. We visited frequently as she came up to help out in my classroom. (Yes mothers still do that, thank goodness.) She told me one day that she would not be able to keep coming regularly to help me since her husband was sick and needed her attention. As she related to me the sequence of events that led to a life-changing diagnosis, my heart sank. A few months back, she found a strange spot on her husband's back. She begged and pleaded for him to see a dermatologist. He said it was nothing to worry about. After being nagged to death, he finally went to the dermatologist only to discover that his harmless weird "mole" was an aggressive form of skin cancer that had already begun to spread. He was receiving the whole gamut of cancer treatments. He was not given much hope. This sweet family lost their dad, husband, and best friend a short time later. It was devastating to me when I heard the news. I cannot imagine their grief.
As I thought about this story, tears welled up in my eyes and I pleaded again to Chris to have this spot checked out. The man who never goes to the doctor for ANY REASON unless he feels like he is on his death bed, went to the dermatologist yesterday. The doctor took one look at the offending mole and said, "I'm cutting that off today and getting it biopsied." Chris was shocked. I was shocked. He said, "Well, it is either a basal cell carcinoma that is easily treated or it is a form of skin cancer that will kill you. I'm not sure which one it is, and I'm hoping that it is just a common basal cell cancer, but let's find out for sure. You will hear from me in a few days."
We plodded out of the office completely numb. I could tell that my rock of a husband.... my strong, brave, and invincible man was visibly shaken. I told him that God was still in control. I've known many people who've had skin cancer and they are alive and well today. We are going to put this in the hands of the Lord.
He has given me a peace that surpasses all understanding and I know that my God is going to take care of us. Please pray that we get a good report from the lab and that we learn the life lesson that He wants us to learn as we walk through this together.
1 comment:
Praying for a good lab report.
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