But, I just feel the need to share...and sharing is good.
This story is funny, yet sad, and then is funny again. Then, it's just annoying...
Our house runs on the rythmic clock of routine and schedule. Schedule and routine, or as I like to refer to it, the 3 P's....patterns, procedures and protocol.
Every night without fail, Sydney has her bath between 6:00 -7:00. Then, we have our last mini-meal of the evening, an 8 oz. bottle of milk. Mmm...Then we have our few minutes with Daddy as he comes in from work...then, with Rudy in tow, it's off to bed we go.
Mama's routine was interrupted last night by an onslaught of the unexpected.
After the bath, Sydney gets to enjoy a few minutes (2-3) of unencumbered diaper freedom. She is allowed to run around in her room for several moments just au naturale. Barely a few minutes, mind you....And there are foam tiles on the floor in case....you know.
We've done this for MONTHS now without incident...
Last night, she is enjoying her time and as I turn to grab her pajamas...she opens her door and bolts down the hall. This is just a game in her book - let's run around the house in all my glory!
Just as I'm about to step into the hall I hear the sickening sound of baby skin going splat on the hard floor. Then silence. Then more baby skin splatting...I look out the door and Sydney is laying flat on her back wailing. I spring into action to rescue her and she attempts to get up again...SPLAT! And then, as she scrambles to her feet a 4th time, she performs a perfect 3 Stooges style backwards fall as her feet slip out from underneath her again. This fall was the doozie.
I pick up a distraught child wondering...where did all this water come from?
Well, I think you can figure out WHERE the "water" came from.
Not only did I have a bruised up baby from multiple back and face plants into the floor, but my floor was now covered in tinkle.
So, we started ALL over. Washing, drying...the baby and the floor. With much fuss, we finally went to bed, feelings and self-esteem battered.
Baby bodily fluids...I thought I had experienced the gamut, but alas, I was wrong.
Oh, and I won't tell you how tonight, she did the SAME thing...only this time, on the rug.
Yep, like a bad puppy.
Oh, Nesha, we can relate! Been there, experienced that one, too!
I love it!!! Sounds so familiar it's scary!
This is the first of many "fun" adventures in this area -- just wait until you begin potty training! We were laughing the other day about a tee tee incident with Rachel when she was about 2 and a half; we weren't laughing back then but it is hilarious to think about it now!
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