My little east Texas town got a wintry surprise Friday afternoon. Unfamiliar fluffy specks began falling from the sky around 2:00 and didn't let up till 5:00. I was shopping about the time it started and I heard a cheer go up at the store. I thought a famous person must have walked in the door, but then I heard, "It's snowing! It's snowing!" Giggles and squeals were heard for the next 30 minutes. We Texicans get pretty darn excited when snow makes it way to our neck of the woods. It always seems to miss us. Houston and Beaumont get snow before we do sometimes. But, we were able to snag some flakes on Friday and folks made the most of it. I saw some of the world's smallest snowmen and children scraping up even the tiniest smithereens of snow to hurl a golf ball-sized snowball. So much fun. I wish I could post cute pictures of Sydney and me playing in the snow, but I was by myself and didn't have a photographer near by. I did take some pictures out the front door. Sydney was not impressed with the snow and thought the traffic passing by was much more interesting.
On another note, we decided to take a family Christmas pic after church Sunday. After all, Sydney was dressed to the 9's and we looked semi-refreshed and presentable. We set up the tripod, got everything ready, and Chris was trying to get the picture framed correctly while the camera timer was going off every few seconds. Here are a few funny ones....
Lovely hair do on me, and Sydney looks like she's getting a shot at the Dr's office. We won't mention the way Chris is looking at the camera.
Both looking at the tree. This one is not that bad only Chris is not in the picture. This kid is gettin' heavy.
You can't see that Sydney is pinching the fire out of my left arm with her hand that is hidden. That is why I am grimacing.This story does not have a happy ending. Just as we were about to get the perfect Christmas pic, the power went out. No lighting makes for a yucky picture, so we tore everything down, undressed the cranky child, put everything back, and the power came back on. So, despite our efforts, a Christmas family picture was not obtained. Bummer... So, if you're looking forward to a Chambers' Christmas card, you might be getting a New Year's card at this rate.
I will leave you with a beautiful picture of our angel taking a nap before we left for church. This one just makes me smile. Hey, maybe this would look good on a Christmas card!

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