and to stop rushing about the house like I'm heading to a 5-Alarm blaze.
It seems that I do everything FAST, and not fast like "speedily," but FAST like, BREAK-NECK Coyote and Roadrunner FAST.
Why do we rush around like this? Especially us mamas?
It's cause we are trying to get everything done as quickly as possible so we can hurry up and have fun.
Fun. A lost art. Fun? What is that?
Hanging out with my two angels is what I really want to do. That is fun. Going out with my husband and laughing over breads sticks and ice tea. Fun.
Yes, there are stale crunchies and Froot Loops on the kitchen floor. They need to be swept.
Yes, the sheets need to be washed. The clothes NEED to be folded. And man, the dust on the shelves could grow a well-respected garden.
But, I have made a decision. I will take it slow. I will breathe. I will do my chores deliberately and with gusto and look forward to every moment I have in this house with these people that share my last name and my love.
Taking it slow and enjoying the ride...cause this ride is moving fast enough, which means I don't have to.