Here lately, I have been asked a slew of personal questions.
Now, please tell me why people feel impelled to ASK someone personal questions.
Why? Isn't there enough personalness in your own life?
Did yo mama not raise you right? Didn't you learn not to delve into people's personal lives?
With the exception of a FEW.VERY.CLOSE. friends, I am pretty much shocked at the questions some folks ask me. So, to clear up the are the answers:
1. Aren't you ever gonna have another baby?
I didn't plan to have Sydney. She was a miraculous surprise straight from God. I am not one of these fertile Myrtle people walking around who actually "plan" their next child or have and "oopsie" child. I can't just wash my clothes with my husband's clothes and wind up pregnant. Not the way it works with me. If I have another child, it will be yet another miraculous surprise and if I don't, I am perfectly content.
2. Don't you think you need to get your hair re-highlighted?
Yes, it desperately needs to be re-highlighted but spending a couple hundred bucks at the hair salon for all I need to have done is just not a top priority at this point.
3. How much do you pay each month for your house? Don't you think it is about time for you to buy a house and settle down?
I am blessed with a 3 BDR, 2 BA rent house. Yes, we would love to buy a home of our own but not for sure where, when, and how that will happen. I am not like some folks who chunk down a huge amount of change for a house they can't afford just so they can "own" their own home. We are very careful with our money and when the right house comes along, we are going to have it paid off in no time. The door will open and we will buy a home and it will be the perfect home for us.
4. When are you due?
Refer to question #1. And...that deflated balloon pooch you the remnants of a baby belly from my only child and it is a small trade for having Syd in our lives. And yes, a little diet and exercise wouldn't hurt me either.
5. How much do you make at that charter school?
I ain't in it for da money. And, yes I make a little less than what I made at the public school, but I am working part time. And I have so much LESS headache and so much MORE joy in what I am doing that it doesn't really matter..and besides...I work because I must have an outlet for all the ideas that run non stop in my head. I love my kids and I love my job at the charter school.
Well, that sums it up...because
nosy enquiring minds want to KNOW!