We have 2 major state tests to tackle this week (Science and History). We have already taken the Reading and Math tests which I am proud to say...
that EVERY stinkin' one of my precious darling angel babies... PASSED.
Yep, you heard that correctly. I guess I get to keep my job...and I guess my babies get to be promoted to 9th grade. Praise Je to Besus.
This school year has been quite stressful. I have been stretched to the limit. I have learned more about American History, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Algebraical things than I ever wanted to know or ever remember learning in the first place.
We have had our share of ups and downs. I have cried tears of joy and tears of pain.
And just this week, I threw a shoe. Literally...Have you ever heard the expression, "He/She threw a shoe"? Well, it is a colloquialism that my parents use frequently and I brought this expression to life this week when my babies did NOT know that "four score and seven years ago" was the beginning of the Gettysburg address. We have hashed this out for MONTHS now.
I wept. I put my head down. I screamed... and a size 7.5 Aerosole mule in light taupe FLEW across the room towards the door.
My stress had to be relieved some how...and the kids were WAY out of the WAY. I got their attention. Nobody got hurt, but a few people were slightly shocked and frightened for a moment.
But, hallelujah...the end is near. Just a few more weary days and then, I'll fly away, cause
God is good and school is almost out.
and black is black,
and white is white,
and hell is hot,
and sin ain't right,
AND...my kids are memorizing the Gettysburg address as an end of the year project.