You know those mamas on T.V. who act insane for the sake of their children?
We have a Christian day school in our town that is known for its talented teachers, beautiful/delightful atmosphere, enriching curriculum, reasonably priced tuition, and tender loving care. I have several friends that work there and they are IN love with their job.
(a mural at the school...I just want to crawl in His lap and hug Him)
They have a 2 year old class that fills up fast. As in fast, I mean you better put on your track suit the day it opens registration to the public and run with sweat pouring to the entrance.
Once it is filled, forget about it..unless by chance somebody moves or forgets to turn in their paperwork.
I have been stressing about this for some reason. I felt like I was trying to enroll my kid into Yale or something...Registration was this morning for NEXT Fall. I had heard that the class was already nearly filled.
I couldn't sleep last night. I couldn't think about anything else. I knew that I had to get there EARLY. My buddies had already warned me to be prepared with shot record and payment in hand. I prayed about it this morning, too. I asked the Lord to give me a peace about this and if it was meant to be, than so be it.
I got to the school at 7:06. There were 6 people in line ahead of me. *sigh*
The line grew at an astronmical rate. By 7:15....18 people. By 7:20...25 people... My palms began to sweat.
I made it to the registration desk and there were only 2 spots left. Wow.
With registration packet in hand, a pocketbook a little lighter, and a look of relief on my face, I left for work.
But that's when I saw it...her first school supply list.
Then suddenly my euphoria changed to melancholy.
My baby needs school supplies and not formula?
That, dear readers, is the perfect definition of bittersweet.
Happy and sad.