My sweet friend
Leslie threw down the gauntlet this week to her blogging buddies. She gave us an assignment. I took her up on the challenge. The first assignment was to share what your skin care/make up regimen consisted goes. I warn you in advance. I am no Tammy Faye Baker. I am simple, to the point, and functional.
I will first introduce you to the make up caddy. I do not keep my make up in bags. I lack make up organizational skills and when I travel, I just don't wear make up except for lip gloss and powder because I'm usually on a motorcycle and the wind just blows the make up right off so there is no point.
Please don't judge. This is really how it looks. I so sorry.
Now, let's start with basic skin care.
When I turned 16, my mother took me to a make-up artist (just a friend who sold Mary Kay actually) and we did the entire make-over skin care bru ha ha. Mom taught me make-up principle #1: If the barn needs paintin, paint it for Pete's sakes.
My make up lady then taught me the last 2 most important make up principles:
#2 The most important thing you put on your face is what you do NOT put on your face.
#3 Taking care of your skin NOW will pay off LATER.
With that in mind, this is what I use for skin care morning and night.
Meet the skin care dream team.
Let's meet the players left to right (Beauti Control products)
Skinlogics Gold Moisturizer for 30 something skin, Facial Spa Alpha Hydroxy toner, Skinlogics Lid and Lash Bath, Line Peel and Lip Moisturizer, and Finacea which is a prescription for Keratitis Pilaris.
I have red cheeks and arms and I always thought it was rosacea. My dermatologist said it was a treatable skin condition that is very common called K.P. (Keratitis Pilaris) Finacea really helps with the redness, but it is painful for my pocket book. That little tube is equivalent to our cell phone bill each month
(and we have big data plans).
I highly recommend the line peel and lip balm. Spread this stuff on your lips, wait a minute, and then use your finger to slough off LAYERS and LAYERS of extra lip skin. Then smooth the lip balm over your exfoliated lips. No more creases, wrinkles, or lip stick that cakes up in the canyon sized lip wrinkles that occur especially during the winter season when chapped lips plague everyone. Ahh...
Speaking of are my lovelies.
The youngest lipstick above is 4 years old.
The oldest lipstick above is 9 years old. (gross I know)
I have four lipsticks and I choose one for the day based on my mood.
#1 Wicked Brown (Lancome) on days I feel well...saucy
#2 Sugared Maple (Lancome) on days I feel well...sweet
#3 Think Bronze (Clinique) on days I feel well...earthy
#4 Raisenberry (Mary Kay) on days I feel well...natural
On to the eyes. I have green eyes and I have no idea how to accentuate them so I just use a hodge podge of Lancome Spring colors and Clinique Earth tones. The little tube on the left is Mary Kay liquid eye shadow which is so fast and easy, it is positively sinful. I don't do much with the eyes. Eye shadow kinda scares me if you want to know the truth. I have seen what it does to ordinarily normal looking people. Ewww.

So it shouldn't surprise you that I use only one color of eye-liner which is Brown from Mary Kay.
Black eyeliner just scares me. I'm so frightened of looking like Elvira.
Mary Kay also provides me with mascara (basic black), brushes, lip liner (natural) and eyebrow brush. No surprises or fancy stuff here.
So there you have make up protocol.
I don't use much. My husband says I don't need much (yeah right) and here I am when
I put a ton of effort into the make up.
Gosh, do I even HAVE blush on here?
And did I mention that putting a ton of effort into make up means spending 5 minutes instead of 3?
Good grief.